Articles Published in Journals Indexed by SCI and SCI-E
Sözeri Atik, D., & Huppertz, T., Melting of natural cheese: A review. International Dairy Journal, 2023.
Atayoglu, A. T., Sözeri Atik, D., Bölük, E., Gürbüz, B., Ceylan, F. D., Çapanoğlu, E., Atayolu, R., Paradkar, A., Fearnley, J., Palabiyik, I., Evaluating bioactivity and bioaccessibility properties of the propolis extract prepared with l-lactic acid: An alternative solvent to ethanol for propolis extraction. Food Bioscience, 2023.
Sözeri Atik, D., Öztürk, H. İ., Akın, N., Özer, B., Textural and rheological characterization of yoghurts produced with cultures isolated from traditional back-slopped yoghurts, International Dairy Journal, 2023.
Palabiyik, I., Sözeri Atik, D., Sivri, G. T., Uzun, S., Kahyaoglu, L. N., Koc, Y., Çelebi, E., Çalışır, K., Boluk, E, Optimization of temperature for effective cleaning with a novel cleaning rig: Influence of soil and surface types. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 136, 36-46, 2022.
Sözeri Atik, D., Demirci, M., Toker, Ö. S., Palabiyik, İ., Development of a novel rheological method for determining melting properties of gelatin-based gummies, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022.
Sözeri Atik, D., Bölük, E., Bildik, F., Altay, F., Torlak, E., Kaplan, A. A., Kopuk B., Palabıyık İ., Particle morphology and antimicrobial properties of electrosprayed propolis, Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2022
Altinok, E., Kurultay, S., Boluk, E., Sözeri Atik, D., Kopuk, B., Gunes, R., Palabiyik, I., Konar, N. and Toker, O.S., Investigation of using possibility of grape pomace in wafer sheet for wheat flour substitution. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2022.
Sözeri Atik, D., Akın N., Akal H. C., Koçak C., The Determination of Volatile Profile During the Ripening Period of Traditional Tulum Cheese from Turkey, Produced in Anamur in the Central Taurus Region and Ripened in Goatskin, International Dairy Journal, Vol. 117, 2021.
Demirci, S., Öztürk, H. İ., Sözeri Atik, D., Koçak, C., Demirci, T., & Akın, N. Volatile profile evolution and sensory evaluation of traditional skinbag Tulum cheeses manufactured in Karaman mountainous region of Turkey during ripening. European Food Research and Technology, 1-12, 2021.
Demirci T., Akın N., Sözeri Atik, D., Özkan E. R., Dertli E., Akyol İ., Lactic acid bacteria diversity and dynamics during ripening of traditional Turkish goatskin Tulum cheese produced in Mut region assessed by culturing and PCR-DGGE, LWT-Food Science and Technology, pp. 110701, 2021.
Sözeri Atik, D., Gürbüz, B., Bölük, E., & Palabıyık, İ. Development of vegan kefir fortified with Spirulina platensis. Food Bioscience, 42, 101050, 2021.
Bölük, E., Sözeri Atik, D., Kolaylı, S., Demirci, A. Ş., & Palabiyik, I. Delivery of phenolics and caffeic acid phenethyl ester by propolis resin: Chewing gum system. Food Bioscience, 41, 101090, 2021.
Çoban, B., Bilgin, B., Yurt, B., Kopuk, B., Sözeri Atik, D., & Palabiyik, I. Utilization of the barberry extract in the confectionery products. LWT, 145, 111362, 2021.
Kolaylı S., Palabıyık İ., Sözeri Atik, D., Keskin M., Bozdeveci A., Alpay Karaoğlu Ş., Comparison of antibacterial and antifungal effects of different varieties of honey and propolis samples, Acta Alimentaria, vol. 49, pp. 515-523, 2020.
Sözeri Atik, D., Demirci T., Öztürk H. İ., Aydın S., Sert D., Akın N., Chia seed mucilage versus guar gum: effects on microstructural, textural, and antioxidative properties of set-type yoghurts, Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, vol. 63, 2020.
Sözeri Atik, D., Bölük E., Toker Ö. S., Palabıyık İ., Konar N., Investigating the effects of Lecithin-PGPR mixture on physical properties of milk chocolate, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020.
Demirci T., Sert D., Aktaş K., Sözeri Atik, D., Öztürk Negiş H. İ., Akın N., Influence of hot and cold break tomato powders on survival of probiotic L. paracasei subsp. paracasei F19, texture profile and antioxidative activity in set-type yoghurts, LWT-Food Science and Technology, pp. 108855, 2020.
Demirci T., Öztürk H. İ., Oraç A., Konak Göktepe Ç., Sözeri Atik D., Aktaş K., Aydın S., Sert D., Akın N., Immature wheat grain as a potential prebiotic ingredient in set-type yoghurts: Impact onantioxidative, textural properties and survival of different probiotics, Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore, 2019.
Öztürk Negiş H. İ., Aydın S., Sözeri Atik D., Demirci T., Sert D., Akın N., Fortification of set- type yoghurts with Elaeagnus angustifolia L. flours: Effects on physicochemical, textural, and microstructural characteristics, LWT-Food Science and Technology, pp. 620-626, 2018.
Demirci T., Aktaş K., Sözeri Atik D., Öztürk Negiş H. İ., Akın N., Rice bran improve probiotic viability in yoghurt and provide added antioxidative benefits, Journal of Functional Foods, pp. 396- 403, 2017.
Invited Book Chapters
Aksoylu Özbek Z., Taşkın B., Sözeri Atik D., Fortification of plant-based food analogs. In: Yüksel Aydar, A., Plant-Based Foods: Ingredients, Technology, and Health Aspects', Springer, 2023.
Articles Published in Other International Refereed Journals
Demirci, A. Ş., Sözeri Atik, D., Palabıyık, İ., & Gülcü, M. Bioactive Properties Of Commercial Reishi Mushroom Products In Powder Form. Journal of Tekirdağ Agricultural Faculty (JOTAF), 18(2), 273-281, 2021.
Sözeri Atik D., Çoşkun F., Some Properties of Probiotic Yoghurt Produced for Babies by Adding Fruit Puree, Containing B. infantis, B. bifidum, B. longum, L. paracasei, Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 2021.
Conference Papers & Presentations
Bölük E., Sözeri Atik D., Sharma L., Budde T., Palabıyık İ., Acid stable encapsulated calcium carbonate usage in chewing gum production, Proceedings of 82nd Researchfora International Conference, Berlin, Germany (02.02.2020-03.02.2020). (Oral presentation)
Bölük E., Sözeri Atik D., Palabıyık İ., A new approach for the determination of chocolate melting point with rheometer, The International Symposium on Food Rheology and Texture (19.10.2018- 21.10.2018). (Oral presentation)
Palabıyık İ., Sözeri Atik D., Bölük E., Kolaylı S., Propolis included chewing gum and investigation of its antibacterial acitivity against Streptococcus mutans, Second Propolis Conference - Propolis in Human and Bee Health Conference (28.09.2018-29.09.2018). (Poster presentation)
Sözeri Atik D., Güner K. G., Applications of natural preservatives on food products, 2nd International Congress on Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology (ICABB) (26.06.2018- 30.06.2018). (Poster presentation)
Altan Kamer D. D., Sözeri Atik D., Demirci A. Ş., Gümüş T., Production of Xanthan gum from Xanthomonas campestris DSM 19000 by fermentation of grape pomace, 2nd International Congress on Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology (ICABB) (26.06.2018-30.06.2018). (Poster presentation)
Bölük E., Sözeri Atik D., Palabıyık İ., A traditional dessert: bulama, 4 th International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus (19.04.2018-21.04.2018). (Poster presentation)
Kolaylı S., Sözeri Atik D., Palabıyık İ., Bölük E., Characteristics properties of oak propolis, 4th International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus (19.04.2018-21.04.2018). (Poster presentation)
Sözeri Atik D., Bölük E., Palabıyık İ., Comparison of two different extraction methods for propolis wax, 4 th International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus (19.04.2018- 21.04.2018). (Oral presentation)
Palabıyık İ., Apaydın H., Sözeri Atik D., Bölük E., Determination of some properties of propolis extracts by FT-Raman Spectroscopy, 4 th International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus (19.04.2018-21.04.2018). (Poster presentation)
Sözeri Atik D., Demirci M., Evolution of Some Traditional Foods From History to Present, 4 th International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus (19.04.2018-21.04.2018). (Oral presentation)
Altan Kamer D. D., Sözeri Atik D., Limon G., Tırpancı Sivri G., Problem with the Traditional Cheese: High Salt Content, 4 th International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus (19.04.2018-21.04.2018). (Poster presentation)
Sözeri D., Akın N., Demirci M., Antimicrobial effect of essential oil extracts of onion and garlic, 1st International Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (10.05.2017-12.05.2017). (Poster presentation)